(706) 353-1199

Lead Pastor, Mike Holt, Nations Church


Sunday morning service

Here at Nations Church, we prepare all week so that our services are God honoring. Our heart is to minister and bless HIS HEART, while ministering to the lives of all who attend. We strive to preach anointed and relevant messages that never compromise God’s Word. At Nations Church, we long for a Spirit filled service where God moves in our midst freely and orderly. Our lead pastor, Mike Holt, strives to bring an on time word each Sunday through compelling and creative stand alone messages and sermon series. For further information, contact Pastor Mike.
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Nations Worship Ministry

Speaking of God moving freely in our services, our time of worship is powerful and anointed. The music ministry strives to provide a worship set that blends contemporary worship with our own unique sound and style as a diverse church. We believe in having a full platform and look to provide skilled singers and musicians, as well as sound technicians and media volunteers the opportunity to use their gifts to glorify God. For questions please contact our Worship Pastor Lance Brooks.  [ Top ]

Imagination Early Childhood Ministry

The ministry of ImagiNation Early Childhood Ministry believes in providing a safe and friendly environment that reflects the love God has for the littlest members of Nations Church. Children can come to ImagiNation if they are at least 8 weeks old and have not yet entered Kindergarten. For your convenience, we also provide a parents’ room should you choose to stay with your young one for a season. We have a nursing mother’s room as well! Our babies and toddlers love our Imagination Early childhood Ministry! For questions please contact our Early Childhood Ministries Director, Brittany Lewis. [ Top ]

Kid Nation Elementary Ministry

The ministry of Kid Nation seeks to reach all kinds of kids, raise them up into grown up disciples, and release them into the ministry God has for them through high energy services, big events, and tons of fun. We provide opportunities for kids to experience God and discover His truth for their lives through creative teaching techniques, powerful worship, engaging activities, and time for kids to respond to what God is saying.

Kid Nation is for students in Kindergarten through 5th grade and meets during both Sunday Morning services in Kid’s Church and Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the Family Life Center. For more information, email our Children’s Pastor, Lawson Bauch. [ Top ]

Nations Youth Ministry


The ministry of Nations Youth exists for one guiding purpose: to raise up a generation of Christians who are bold and unashamed of their faith. That may seem like a rare sight in today’s world, but Paul said in Romans 11:5 that “even at the present time, there is a remnant chosen by grace.” We believe that is still the case today.

Youth is for students currently in 6th through 12th grade, and meets at 6:30pm on Wednesdays in The Student Center which is located in the Family Life Center behind our Gym. On the 2nd Sunday of the month we have a special service just for Middle Schoolers. For more information, email our Youth Pastor, Anthony Costa.
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Chi Alpha UGA


The ministry of Chi Alpha is a full-time college campus ministry, ours being on the campus of UGA. Focusing on discipleship and leadership development, Chi Alpha at UGA seeks to develop Spirit filled leaders to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the university, the marketplace and the world! Chi Alpha meets in Journalism Room #511 on Thursdays at 8pm. For more information, email our Chi Alpha Pastor, BJ Thomas. [ Top ]

Small Groups

Small Groups are a key aspect of our church community and meet every other week. Our Spring 2021 Small Groups will be studying 1 Corinthians. Groups will use author and speaker Jennie Allen’s series as a launching point for this Bible study. Through her study, Jennie walks into the messy lives of the Corinthians and takes us through Paul’s words to the conflicted church. We’ll see how the truth of the gospel and the Spirit of God can empower us to choose to follow Jesus every day of our lives. Join a Group! [ Top ]