Join us on Sundays at 10:30am. YOU BELONG HERE!
Nations Church is a diverse, Spirit filled church in Athens GA, located on the border of Clarke and Oconee Counties. We are currently a church of about 300 people that is growing young, vibrant, and full of vision! We are a church of truth, a church of love, and a church of diversity. There are many churches in Athens, but at Nations Church we truly believe that you belong here!
Nations Church exists to REACH the unchurched, RAISE UP mature believers, and RELEASE them into a lifetime of ministry and missions.
REACH– We believe the greatest thing we could ever do is express the love of God to people who do not know Jesus Christ. We strive to teach our people to live missionally.
RAISE UP– We believe in the mandate of Jesus to make disciples. As Christians it should be our goal to mature spiritually and teach others to do the same.
RELEASE– We believe God has a purpose and a plan for every believer. We believe it is the job of the church to release Christians into a lifetime of using their gifts to glorify God and reach people. [ Top ]
We are an Assemblies of God Church and are guided by 16 Fundamental Truths. You may click here to preview our doctrine in entirety. However, we are guided by these four essential beliefs:
The Bible is the Word of God. God’s Word is truth. It is our manual for living & the basis of everything we teach. Our first question when faced with a decision is, “What does the Bible say?” (2 Timothy 3:16)
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus lived a sinless life and paid for our sin by dying on the cross. He rose from the dead and is the mediator between God and us. (John 14:6).
You must be Born Again. Salvation comes only through God’s grace and must be received personally by repentance and faith. Only believers will enjoy eternal fellowship with God. (2 Cor 5:17)
The Holy Spirit is an essential part of the believer’s life. The Holy Spirit provides us comfort, guidance, power, good character, and spiritual gifts. (John 14:16-26, Acts 9:31, John 16:5-13, Acts 1:8, Galatians 5:22-23, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11).
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Pastor Mike and Carla Holt
Lead Pastor

Pastor Lance Brooks
Worship and Creative Arts Pastor

Pastor Anthony Costa
Youth Pastor/Facilities Manager/Compassion Outreach

Pastor Lawson Bauch
Children's Pastor & Kids First Director

Brooke McClenathan
Social Media Manager & NextGen Worship Leader