(706) 353-1199

My Story Pt. 3

Preacher: Mike Holt | Series: My Story: It’s Only Just Begun

My Story Pt. 2

Preacher: Mike Holt | Series: My Story: It’s Only Just Begun

My Story Pt. 1

Bible Text: Luke 10:38-42 | Preacher: Mike Holt | Series: My Story: It’s Only Just Begun

GIFted Pt. 3 – Profiling the Prowler

Preacher: Mike Holt | Series: GIFted Pastor Mike continues the GIFted series with a discussion on Nehemiah and the enemy that comes against us when we commit to using our gifts for God’s kingdom.

GIFted Pt. 2 – The Makeup of God’s Mission

Preacher: Mike Holt | Series: GIFted Pastor Mike continues the GIFted series with the accounts of Esther and Mordecai with a discussion of how God uses unlikely components of our lives to bring out His gifts in us.

GIFted pt 1 – Rock Formation

Preacher: Mike Holt | Series: GIFted Pastor Mike kicks off this series with a discussion from John 1 and Matthew 16 about how “rocks” that God can use for His purpose are formed.

Keys to Finding Freedom Pt. 2

Preacher: Mike Holt | Series: Finding Freedom Pastor Mike continues and concludes this series by revealing some more truths from Scripture on claiming freedom for our lives

Keys to Finding Freedom Pt. 1

Preacher: Mike Holt | Series: Finding Freedom Pastor Mike introduces this series by discussing what the New Testament writers had to say about being a slave to sin and how freedom is possible through Jesus.

Action Behind Our Traction

Preacher: Mike Holt | Series: Gaining Ground In part 3 of the Gaining Ground Series Pastor Mike discusses the actions that must take place before we can see traction in our lives from the accounts of Joshua and King David.

Necessary Tension

Preacher: Mike Holt | Series: Gaining Ground Pastor Mike continues discussing “traction” by looking at the medical definition of the term and applying how necessary tension in our lives can help us gain the ground we need.